Genetic Traits
Dragon Phenotypes
A dragon's phenotype is the set of observable characteristics of that individual resulting from the interaction of its genotype with the environment.
Wings (W)
The tough, flexible wing membrane is an extension of the skin of the body. It is made up of an external and an internal layer of skin, which contains blood vessels and muscles. If torn, it heals remarkably fast.
Wings provide for movement to help escape from predators, catch flying or speedy prey, leap or glide from place to place, allow the hind legs to be free to use as weapons, and gain access to new food sources.
No wings can be a benefit. The heavier the animal, the bigger its wings need to be. The bigger the wings, the more muscle (and energy) is needed to move them. In addition, a broken wing prevents the dragon from flying to get food, and they may die from predation or infection. If it does heal, it will cause pain and less than half of the dragons with wing fractures will regain the flight necessary to successfully forage or hunt in the wild).
Types of neck (N)
A long neck allows a dragon to move its head in all directions so that it can see predators and prey. Not to mention the fact that a long neck serves as a steering rudder when you weigh over 150 lbs. If dragons eat seeds, shrubs, grass, fruit, and flowers (which occur mostly at ground level in the Arctic), the long neck is handy to get their mouth where their food is located. The long neck and narrow skull of the dragon also aid in streamlining the animal in the air or water.
Dragons with short necks are stealthy hunters. They use their thick muscular necks and broad shoulders to grab prey, usually from behind going for the back of the neck or skull. Some dragons have developed the strategy of damaging the spine and incapacitating their prey to kill other dangerous predators, especially other dragons. The dragon then uses its big teeth and strong muscles to get through thick dragon scales or armor. By killing fast, the dragon has time to retreat from any potential attack from others in the hoard.
Type of Tail (L)
Dragons use their tails for a number of reasons. A dragon's tail helps it to control and propel their movements (especially in water) and by providing balance and stability leaping, running, and flying. Tails are used during mating rituals, to mark territory, for defense purposes and for an attack. Dragons also use their tails to communicate and display many emotions, including as a warning signal. Dragons have a special adaptation so they can store fat in their tails for use for nourishment during the winter.
Dragons with long tails are able to use them like a whip and lash out sideways as well as over their heads, while short tails can be used as a club to knock over and disable prey.
While long tails help with counterbalance, short tails are an advantage in a fight because they are more difficult to catch.
Type of Eyes (E)
Eyesight can help dragons find prey and mates and avoid predators.
When the eyes face forward, such as with humans, the visual fields of each eye overlap. This allows dragons to see and judge depth.
When the eyes are on either side of the head, the dragon will be able to see a very wide visual field, covering a large portion of the world around them. This panoramic viewpoint allows them to keep an eye on what is happening in a much wider range (sideways, backward) than if their eyes faced forward.
Horns (H)
Horns are structurally different from antlers and are permanent. Horns consist of a bony core covered by a keratin sheath (similar to a human fingernail). A horn's core consists of live bone, and horns do not branch. Horns can be straight, curved, or spiral, and horns can be smooth or ridged in texture.
Horns have a variety of uses for dragons, including defending against predators and fighting members of their own species (horn fighting) for territory, dominance or mating priority. Horns on males are thicker at the base and able to withstand more force. On females, they are straighter and thinner, which may make them better for stabbing. (Check out these animals: wildebeest, oryx, sable antelope, gemsbok, bongo, addra, blackbuck, markhor, ibex, and bighorn sheep for ideas.)
No horns can also be a benefit to dragons. If horns break off, they can injure the dragon by causing hemorrhaging (severe bleeding), infection, and a lot of pain. Large horns can also obstruct feeding. Horned animals are prone to getting stuck in tight spots. If they panic while caught, they can severely injure themselves.
Fire-Breathing (F)
Fire-breathing dragons need to consume plant matter in permafrost, rocks and animals in order to produce fire from their mouth.
If a dragon could breathe fire, they could use it to melt the snow and ice to create an ice cave. They could use it for defensive purposes as well.
Dragons which don't breathe fire are mostly aquatic species and hunt in a marine environment.
Scales (S)
The skin of a dragon is thin and fragile so they rely on their scales for protection. Scales are made from a hard substance known as keratin (similar to a human fingernail). A dragon's scales protect them from abrasions as they scurry across the ground, climb trees, or briefly dive beneath the surface of the water. The scales also help protect them from exposure to UV rays from the sun and from moisture loss.
Smooth scales have a smooth surface that reflects the light, making the color pattern shiny, glossy, or iridescent. They reflect the light that passes against them to produce an iridescent camouflage, which can help to find mates or can act as a warning that the dragon may be deadly. Also, iridescent camouflage features weird colors and patterns that break the contour of the dragon, confusing other creatures.
Dull scales have a raised ridge running lengthwise down the center of the scale causing them to be rough to the touch. They also scatter the light differently creating a dull, non-reflective appearance. This makes it easier for dragons to conceal themselves.
Toes (T)
Feet are not only used for locomotion (walking or running, swimming, climbing), but they serve other important functions in perching, foraging, preening, reproduction and thermoregulation.
Anisodactyl feet (TT)have four toes, typically three facing forward and one pointing backward. This allows birds to perch upon vertical surfaces, such as trees and cliffs. Anisodactyl feet are "generalized all-purpose bird feet" and extremely flexible because all four digits are independent. Therefore, digit 1 can be flexed to lock the toes around a perch. That's why you don't see birds falling out of trees when they sleep on a branch!
Zygodactyl feet (Tt) have four toes where digits 1 and 4 face backwards while digits 2 and 3 face forwards. The shape of these feet help a bird climb up, down, and along the trunk of a tree, allowing them to hold their prey and perch.
Tridactyl feet (tt) have only three digits (digit one is missing) which is an adaptation for running. These type of feet have sharp claws on its toes which are its major defensive attribute and are used in combat to inflict wounds on opponents by kicking.
Camouflage (B)
Bioluminescence and biofluorescence are two different naturally occurring phenomenon seen within certain organisms and generally involve the production or emission of light.
Bioluminescence (BB) is a chemical reaction created in the bodies of certain organisms and it's similar to the reaction that occurs when you crack a glow stick. Fireflies use their abilities to luminesce to blink in specific patterns to communicate with each other. Deep sea fish like the Anglerfish use their bioluminescence to attract or mimic prey and locate food. Other animals release bioluminescent fluid as self-defense. Bioluminescence is found in many marine organisms such as bacteria, algae, jellyfish, worms, crustaceans, and sea stars.
Biofluorescence (Bb) is not a chemical reaction, but it is a phenomenon by which an organism absorbs blue light and emits it as a different color-usually red, orange, or green. It is used primarily for communication, camouflage, and mating purposes. Over 180 species of fish and sharks (and even the hawksbill sea turtle) have unique structures in their skin that enable them to biofluorescence.
Color (C)
Dragons generally come in two colors - red (cc) and green (CC or Cc). In the arctic, whelps would be camouflaged in the bunches purplish Saxifraga cespitosa and other flora during the spring, summer, and fall.
The low-growing Bearberry plant spreads along the ground with small white flowers and red berries. In late summer, the berries darken to an almost black color, and the green foliage transforms into a bright scarlet color, providing excellent cover for red dragons.
Melanism (a/m)
Some dragons of this species exhibit melanism, which results in an excess of dark pigmentation in an animal causing them to appear black.
Draconus arcticus may have mutated to include the color white (amelanism). Amelanism (a form of albinism) results from mutations or defects in the animals' production of melanin, which is simply a pigment that controls black or brown coloration of the skin. Scientists are still trying to determine if this white coloration could be leucism instead. Leucism, also genetic, is the condition of partial or total loss of pigmentation, which would also explain the white coloration.
Spikes (Xs)
Dragon spikes are formed from hardened skin or bone and run down the back tail of the dragon. Only female dragons have spikes.
Spikes act as both armor and deterrent. Predators have evolved to see spikes as potentially dangerous. When a predator attempts to close its mouth on a dragon, the spikes' sharp tips pierce the predator's flesh. The pressure of the bite squeezes the neurotoxic venom up through the dragon's spikes and into the attacker. The attacker sees double, has a progressive paralyzation of the muscles of its body, and in severe cases can die from respiratory failure. However, all Draconus arcticus dragons are immune to this venom.
If you have a male dragon, you still need to decide if you want your female offspring to have the chance to have spikes XS or not have spikes Xs.